mandag 17. april 2017

Battle at Lund: Team Tournament #3 (#497): Nemo3 vs Deneghra1

:: Prologue ::

Game 3 saw me lose the dice-off and thus my job was to lose. I got thrown under the bus which meant Ghost Fleet again. With my job to lose I dropped Nemo3. I figured I would go for the first and worst opening I found to get work done and take it from there!

:: Lists ::

Theme: Storm Division
(Nemo 3) Artificer General Nemo [+25], Bunker
- Storm Chaser Adept Caitlin Finch
- Squire [0]
- Firefly [8]
- Firefly [8]
- Firefly [8]
- Dynamo [18]
- Lancer [10]
Storm Lances (max) [20]
Storm Lances (min) [12]
Major Katherine Laddermore [8]
Journeyman Warcaster [0]
- Firefly [8]
Theme: The Ghost Fleet
3 / 3 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Warwitch Deneghra - WJ: +28
- Stalker - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)
- Stalker - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)
- Deathripper - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)
- Deathripper - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)
Wraith Engine - PC: 15
Captain Rengrave - PC: 0
Pistol Wraith - PC: 0
Pistol Wraith - PC: 0
Blackbane's Ghost Raiders - Blackbane & 9 Grunts: 17
Revenant Crew of the Atramentous - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
Revenant Crew of the Atramentous - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
Revenant Crew of the Atramentous - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
- Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

Extraction and Cryx takes first turn. I would've loved to get up the field here but alas, it was not to be. At least Deneghra has to move out of killbox top of 2, that's something! I have one goal here and that is kill Deneghra. Secondary plan: Feat to kill Wraith Engine with chain lightnings and, if needed, Nemo + Finch charging. When you don't have magical attacks you don't have magical attacks!

:: Game ::

Deneghra runs up, Wraith Engine flanks left. Raiders in front.

I run in return. I put the jacks in front because they are basically unkillable with the sheer volume I have. I take care to put Nemo and Jakes in positions so that they can charge the Wraith Engine if it advances aggressively.

The Wraith Engine does move up and Henrik, my opponent, spends a lot of time creating fort Deneghra.

I take 10 minutes to look for angles on Deneghra but I find none at all. The incorporeal models will simply soak up the leaps no matter what I try out with proxies.

That means it's plan B! Try and kill the Wraith Engine! I feat and cast 2 Chain Lightnings at it with boosted damage rolls. Unfortunately all of my good dice were spent last game against another Deneghra player and it hardly suffers damage at all. No point in moving in then, especially since Finch is not in range. I clear out stuff on the right flank and score 2 points with Dynamo taking down Deneghra's objective.

Camping 0 with old man Nemo vs Deneghra Ghost Fleet? I think I did my job in terms of going for crazy plays to try and lose my game. However Henrik has Magnetic Field confused with Electrify and thinks I have the +2 ARM spell up on Nemo. He makes a very complicated play to get to Nemo with Scourge on one of my jacks: Wraith Engine kills Finch and engages Nemo for Dark Shroud. With Finch dead he spawns a machine wraith which hits my Lancer, moving him to within scourge aoe range of Nemo. Deneghra then moves up, feats and casts Scourge, only to realize he cannot knock me down. Despite Deneghra having feated Nemo is more or less impossible to hit because of the elevation bonus and being engaged. Henrik forfeits the game.

Victory to the Swans!

:: Evaluation ::

Setting up to defend your caster vs Nemo3 is no easy feat, but Henrik managed to build a perfect fort. At least I could not find any angles.

As I anticipated having leaps alone would not be enough vs Ghost Fleet. The incorporeal models are too hard to deal with. Assuming you can keep Deneghra alive I think this matchup is favourable for Cryx. This got me thinking about Nemo3 in Heavy Metal, which is a concept I hope to revisit very soon!

My team won one of the other games so suddenly we found ourselves in the finals! 

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