mandag 17. april 2017

Battle at Lund: Warm Up #2 (#488): Sloan vs Una2

:: Prologue ::

We arrived at the convention somewhere around 8 I believe. After going out for dinner we wanted to catch a game or two. I was fortunate enough to face Robin, a Swedish WTC player from the north of Sweden. Robin plays Circle and still has a bit of a hard-on for Una2. I figured that would be interesting to try out with Sloan!

:: Lists ::

Cygnar - Firing Solution v4
Theme: Heavy Metal
4 / 4 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Armory - Steamroller Objective
Captain Kara Sloan - WJ: +28
- Squire - PC: 0
- Hunter - PC: 11
- Hunter - PC: 11
- Hunter - PC: 11
- Stormwall - PC: 39 (Battlegroup Points Used: 28)
- Lightning Pod
- Firefly - PC: 8
Captain Arlan Strangewayes - PC: 0
Journeyman Warcaster - PC: 0
- Hunter - PC: 11
Lieutenant Allison Jakes - PC: 0
- Hammersmith - PC: 12
(Una 2) Una the Skyhunter [+29]
 - Gorax Rager [7]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Scarsfell Griffon [8]
 - Woldwyrd [9]
 - Woldwyrd [9]
Swamp Gobber Chef [1]
Swamp Gobber Chef [1]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Shifting Stones [3]

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

We were playing Recon and I got to move first. Unfortunately for me that's far from ideal in this matchup. On the bright side it allows me to really stress-test it. I deploy a little to the right because there's a forest on the left which screws with my firing lanes. Circle responds by going opposite me as opposed to flanking left.

:: Game ::

I run stuff into position. I place the Stormwall diagonally opposite his birds as this forces them to move further to get to me.

Fort Una goes up. She puts out Mirage on a bird and casts Windwall, camping 2.

I figure that with such a fort, my opponent can probably keep pushing me and eventually get the better end of an alpha. Despite having armory I reckon my feat is unlikely to do enough work to shut him down completely. I can conceivably kill all the birds which can reach the 'wall, but I'm not too confident.

With Una just camping 2 fury however and interesting play is to kill a bird and go for her. I figure that despite a bird dying giving her a third fury I should have enough to kill her: There's Sloan, a Hunter, the Stormwall, Firefly arcing leaps and Junior's Arcane Bolt. In any case the run fails and I concede the game.

Sadly, a Loss for the Swans

:: Evaluation ::

In hindsight it would've been interesting to see how feating for an alpha would have worked out here. By taking out all birds closest to the 'wall he could not have dominated the zone. Assuming he had not done so, would he have survived another round of shooting or what would he do? Jamming me is a big no-go with the Hammersmith.

The assassination run is a legit run I believe and quite frankly Una has to camp a lot. 2 is hardly sufficient.

A short game but very interesting! I'm a fan of shrimps in Una2, they present an element which gives you a catch22 in terms of defensive upkeeps.

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