mandag 27. juni 2016

List Musings

Lists in Mk. 3 are interesting. I find that they often fall into traps: You go overboard on something and the army ends up being too inflexible. With Haley, I tend to try and include too much support and utility and the lists end up feeling flimsy and without punch. With Sloan, I tend to want too much shooting and I've seen in practice how that lacks the ability to contest the scenario and claim board space. However, for both casters I have found lists that I consider to be stable and solid. An excellent starting position for further experimentation.

Let's start with Sloan. At first, I tried to make a Stormwall work with her. However, the jack tax on junior I found was too much and I doubt it's the best choice without Arcane Shield. I switched to double Defenders and I was positively impressed. The real solution though came not when I was looking at her battlegroup but rather her support. Storm Lances are an amazing unit with her. Their speed and long-ranged threat ensure that opponents have to think twice about how they approach her lines. It essentially creates a catch22 situation: Stay still and be shot or advance and receive Lances to the face.

The list is comprised of a number of pairs: Double this, double that. I find that it's well rounded and can deal with most situations. Its main disadvantages include no pathfinder, only Sloan having magical attacks and no serious combat punch.
Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 (+28) points
(Sloan 1) Captain Kara Sloan [+28]
 - Defender [16]
 - Defender [16]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator [4]
Storm Lances (min) [12]
Storm Lances (min) [12]
Gun Mage Captain Adept [5]
I intend to playtest variants of this. The GMCA has proven to be a decent addition but there are multiple other uses for his 5 points I want to try, for example upgrading a Firefly to a Cyclone. That adds a MAT7 heavy which can act as a front liner and threaten KD with various power attacks. Anti-infantry wise it sports something the list kind of lacks to an extent: POW12s. Often I find with Sloan that Hunters/Defenders are overkill while Fireflies and their POW10s are too weak. 

Moving onto Haley2! I believe the Thornwall is still the right place to start. I could be wrong, but I feel its immunity to most anti-jack tech such as disruption, knockdown, stationary, push, place, slam or whatever combined with its big guns, covering fires and power attacks make it the toolbox which Haley wants so much. With Thorn, Stormwall, Squire, Junior and an 8+ point jack there aren't a whole lot of points left to play around with. Arlan is pretty much a must-have because of the extra focus and magical attacks. From there I've tried to build various shooty lists based on what worked so well for me in Mk. 2. However it's just not the same and I am starting to doubt that Haley2 can play that way. Perhaps I am just making the wrong decisions in terms of what to include and not, I don't know. Regardless I've found a list that I believe is a solid baseline from which I can work off of:
Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 (+25) points
(Haley 2) Major Victoria Haley [+25]
 - Thorn [13]
 - Stormwall [39]
 - Squire [5]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
 - Firefly [8]
Captain Arlan Strangewayes [4]
Storm Lances (max) [20]
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord [4]
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3]
Rhupert is a very solid support piece now. Pathfinder and concealment on a stick are both great abilities and can be useful for both Haley, Thorn and Storm Lances depending on the situation. I haven't played Lanyssa yet but I do believe she is very valuable for the mere 3 points she costs now, doubly so because Haley2 lost her Stormwall-bond. 

I've already had time to play quite a few Mk. 3 games. I have an upcoming tournament this Saturday and I expect to bring a pairing that is fairly close to these 2 lists. I will continue to experiment and try out extremes as that's where I believe the truly great stuff might be. 

9 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Olannon,

    First of all I want to thank you for your great blog and the work you put into it, I actually started warmachine, playing Cygnar, around the same time you started this blog and thus greatly appreciate the work you invest into it. It is a great inspiration and I believe I learned many things by reading your blog regularily.

    Sadly I am not able to play as much as you do, so please take my comments with a grain of salt, but currently I am experimenting with Sloan as well and was inspired by your list to try something very similar.

    I can confirm the difficulties to stay in scenario, especially as I play less often, I am not always denying the scenario the best I could.

    I struggle especially against Vyros2 (Imperatus, 3* Griffon, Aspis, 2* Sentinel +UA, 3* Arcanist), as he feats and mini feats everything bot/top of 2, so I do not want to speed him up by killing anything. I normally Ding up Imperatus (to kill him that turn or one later) during turn2 and send in the Lances on Turn3 so they block the scenario and kill as many sentinels as possible. But sadly they are typically trivally removed by his sentinels and Griffons and the Heavys are killed or pushed out as well.

    I would like your take on how to approach this matchup, as it feels like a hard counter to Sloan on my side. Maybe you can even convince your Retribution Opponent to field it against you?

    Listwise I play your list while I have one max Lances with Laddermore to further beef up them up, No GMCA.
    I am currently considering exchanging one Firefly to get two min units of Lances and Alten Ashley, so I can deny the phoenix protocol, field and any other form of damage removal.

    How do you feel about the GMCA, what does he contribute to your game?

    Thank you for all the great blog
    Best regards
    From Cologne - Germany

    1. Se reply below. I hit the wrong button and thus my reply didn't end up in this "thread".

  2. Heya Kai, thanks for a long and detailed reply. Let's see...

    First of all thanks for the kind words :) I hope you'll continue to find this blog inspirational and that you'll post feedback and ideas as well :)

    With regards to Sloan: She's an incredibly hard caster to play. I mean that in all seriousness. At first it's all like pew pew but as people learn to play vs her scenario and board pressure become big issues. It's a lot like playing vs Lylyth2 in Mk. 2. We eventually found a solution (Haley3) but boy was it hard. At least for me it tooks ages and tons of games. Likewise I fully expect people to do the same with Sloan, just a matter of time.

    Vyros2: I've played this matchup twice already. Have you read the reports? One was a bit of a waste of time as my opponent severely underestimated my shooting power and died to assassination but the other game was great. I'm sure I can arrange for another game if you want to see another report :) Any scenarios you would prefer? Any preferences for going first/second?

    The deal with Vyros2 I believe is to keep shooting. To do that, you have to deny him areas on the table -and- scenario openings. Easier said than done. More than anything I find double lances crucial to achieving this: They set up on both flanks and move in towards the middle in a pincer move. His feat is painful to deal with. The key here is to carefully plan your activation order so that trying to use the feat offensively might hurt him more than help him. Failing that, try and spread out the damage so that nothing dies but he takes a lot of hurt.

    Laddermore is in my opinion overrated. The Lances' shooting is more of a bonus than anything. I can see her being useful if you run Stormclads because of the Accumulator but otherwise I'm mostly looking towards other options for the points she costs.

    The GMCA isn't crucial. He represents the 5 points I'm most unsure of how to invest. Ashley sure is a great option and definitely helps with annoying repairs and stuff. D3+3 vs Hordes is also great. Another option I've considered is upgrading a Firefly to a Cyclone. The main benefits the GMCA brings though is paranoia: Shadow Fire and Flare make people think twice about their movements.

    I hope that helped a bit, let me know if you have any other questions. Also, make sure you answer the preference questions above with regards to the Sloan-Vyros2 matchup :)

  3. What Objectives do you prefer with your list Pairing ?

    1. I play Fuel Cache with both Haley2 and Sloan now. Have not considered anything else yet because I feel the cloud is just superior.

  4. Hello Jarle,

    thank you for your reply and your feedback. I have read your reports and can confirm the difficulties in keeping your grasp on the scenario while Vyros2 is closing in.

    With the list I am currently confronted, my main struggle is that his sentinels set up a single wound vengeance ARM skew (19 under decel, 22 with MiniFeat) and are in between his Jacks and mine.
    If I go for the Jacks (and he is positioning well), I am in threatrange of his sentinels, which can easily engage and/or damage/kill my Jacks.
    If I go for the sentinels, it is unlikely (partly due to the hunters loosing effectiveness)that I will be able to erase a full unit without using the feat, let alone 2 units mixed up.

    His feat even worsens this situation, as I totally agree that you have to deny him table space. By extending his threatranges, especially the ones of Imperatus and the Griffons, I enable him to bind me in melee, which will be my demise, so I feel that I cannot target the sentinels at all under his feat.

    So far all games ended up in me trying to find openings on his Jacks, while I slowly pace back to avoid being bound in melee. Meanwhile I am trying to contest the scenario as best as possible.

    Vyros2 is typically bunkering 3 and staying even behind his Jackline with Aspis in between him and Imperatus, which makes an assassination attempt quite difficult, if possible at all.

    I believe my main weakness right now, is that I am not prioritizing whom to shoot and where to position accordingly, to be able to continue the pounding next round without beeing to far away to keep him from winning on scenario.

    It would be great if you could arrange a game against this particular Vyros2 list, so I could get an insight to your approach to it.

    Below you find the list my opponent is fielding and a link to it on an army creator.
    System: Warmachine
    Faction: The Retribution of Scyrah
    Caster: 1 / 1
    Points: 75 / 75
    Vyros2 (Vyros Incissar of the Dawnguard) (-27 Pts.)
    * Aspis (6 Pts.)
    * Griffon (8 Pts.)
    * Griffon (8 Pts.)
    * Griffon (8 Pts.)
    * Imperatus (22 Pts.)
    Dawnguard Sentinels (Leader and 9) (18 Pts.)
    * Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard (4 Pts.)
    Dawnguard Sentinels (Leader and 9) (18 Pts.)
    * Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard (4 Pts.)
    Arcanist (2 Pts.)
    Arcanist (2 Pts.)
    Arcanist (2 Pts.)

    Best regards

    1. Double Sentinels are hard for Sloan but in my opinion poor in general. Quick question: what does he intend to play Vyros2 with? Personally I am quite comfortable dropping Haley2 into Vyros2 so if I drop Sloan it is because of his second caster. If nothing threatens Haley2 in the pairing I believe she steamrolls Vyros2.

  5. Hello Jarle,

    before I forget it, if you manage to get that game in I have no preferences in terms of scenario or turn order.
    The last time I played the pit and started second, but I believe that I need to be able to play Sloan on any scenario into Vyros2 if I want her to be my Retribution drop.

    Best regards

    1. Game is scheduled for tonight: Sloan vs Vyros2 :) My opponent has agreed to play the list you posted above with double sentinels etc and I will play Sloan with what I believe is your list (double defenders, hunters, fireflies, max lances + laddermore). Scenario will be Outlast and I hope I get the report up tonight.
