fredag 26. august 2016

Battle Report #277: Haley3 vs Ossyan

:: Prologue ::

Got a game in today with Haley3 against Ossyan. I didn't have much faith in the matchup but it's worth trying out still.

:: Lists ::

Major Prime Victoria Haley - WJ: +25
- Haley Past
- Haley Future
- Grenadier - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Grenadier - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Thorn - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
- Ironclad - PC: 12
Journeyman Warcaster - PC: 4
- Charger - PC: 9
Ragman - PC: 4
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord - PC: 4
Storm Lances - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Trencher Infantry - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16
Lord Arcanist Ossyan - WJ: +28
-    Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker - PC: 4
-    Banshee - PC: 18 (Battlegroup Points Used: 18)
-    Discordia - PC: 18
Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2
Mage Hunter Strike Force - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16
-    Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander - PC: 4
Mage Hunter Strike Force - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16
-    Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander - PC: 4
Dawnguard Invictors - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16
-    Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard - Officer & Standard: 4
-    Soulless Escort - PC: 1

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

We were playing Line Breaker and Ossyan went first. I skewed towards the right flank, intending to use the trench early game.

:: Game ::

Ossyan spreads out his units. I think the MHSF units here are way too defensive as H3 doesn't really get a lot of work done bottom of 1.

I try and cloud up my things and hide behind, pulling a couple of Trenchers back a long way so he can't get to them. Lances run up on the right flank as there is no support there for the MHSF.

The left unit mini-feats and receives deadeye. Their rolls are shit and only a couple of Trenchers die.

I figure I have to try and get work done. The idea is to feat and start throwing out Chain Blasts and shots while the Lances engage on the right flank. It works out well enough and I'm able to keep up the cloudwall.

The grind fest continues and my left Grenadier takes quite a beating.

I struggle to clear out the left MHSF but the right side is cleaned up nicely. I kill the Banshee with shooting and Lances.

Unfortunately the Lances die completely. Discordia takes out the last of them.

I charge in Thorn and the Ironclad tramples.

Ossyan feats but his retaliation is lacklustre because there just aren't a whole lot of models dead.

As the picture above shows I am up on attrition. The Ironclad is basically dead but Thorn is relatively ok. I am however out of time and I clock myself.

Sadly, a Loss for the Swans. 

:: Evaluation ::

The clock is a problem with Haley3. There are simply so many models to move, it becomes a real issue. Only thing to do here is get more games in with her.

The only reason I get an opening here is because my opponent plays his Strike Force too defensively top of 1. If he makes the right call here and shoves them all up, I don't think I can advance at all. Imagine a more live scenario or killbox even and this just becomes a nightmare.

I don't know if we have any good answers to Ossyan if he skews this hard. Any list with Trenchers might be able to buy a turn but if the strike force play their cards correctly the clouds will be gone soon enough, at which point the rest of the army starts pounding the poor swans as well. 

torsdag 25. august 2016

Battle Report #276: Haley3 vs Exulon Thexus

:: Prologue ::

Following my clusterfuck game vs Nemo2 I had a scheduled game against Exulon Thexus, a much feared opponent for Cygnar!

:: Lists ::

Major Prime Victoria Haley - WJ: +25
- Haley Past
- Haley Future
- Grenadier - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Grenadier - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Thorn - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
- Ironclad - PC: 12
Journeyman Warcaster - PC: 4
- Charger - PC: 9
Ragman - PC: 4
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord - PC: 4
Storm Lances - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Trencher Infantry - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16
Exulon Thexus - WJ: +29
-    Wrecker - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)
-    Wrecker - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)
-    Wrecker - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 1)
-    Warden - PC: 10
Cephalyx Agitator - PC: 3
Cephalyx Agitator - PC: 3
Cephalyx Mind Bender & Drudges - Mind Bender & 5 Drudge Grunts: 7
Cephalyx Mind Bender & Drudges - Mind Bender & 5 Drudge Grunts: 7
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges - Slaver & 5 Drudge Grunts: 8
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges - Slaver & 9 Drudge Grunts: 12
Cephalyx Overlords - Leader & 2 Grunts: 0
Cephalyx Dominator - PC: 1
-    Alexia Ciannor & the Risen - Alexia & 9 Risen Grunts: 10
-    Thrall Warrior
THEME: Operating Theater

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

We are playing the same scenario and I am going second again. This time I want the Ironclad and Thorn more relevant and less blocked by terrain. I choose the side which gives my opponent trouble more so than mine helps me.

:: Game :: 

Stuff runs, Deceleration goes up. One unit ambushes.

I pre-measure Lances so only 1 guy can be ambush-charged. I get Thorn up aggressively so he can feat and try and get him if he wants to.

Thexus moves in and goes for Thorn. I figure getting the feat out early is big here as it gives my shooting so much more space without fearing for my life. Thorn is an expensive trade, granted, but I have solid counter-punch positions now. The ambushers take out a Lance as well.

I am hoping to take out two heavies now and leave the Ironclad as a piece trade to get yet another. Lances and shooting clear out an impressive amount of models. I think I feat this turn to get off tons of allocation, a revive for a 5th Lance and dual Chain Blasts from Past to thin his ranks.

The Ironclad trade really, -really- pays off! Flux is a bitch and Ironclad lives! A Lance dies and a Trencher or two but I really like my position now.

When I push out this turn it's not even funny how many Cephalyx are cleared. I revive the 5th Lance again and at this point in time the game really looks like it's over.

The Cephalyx try one more push but there is just no punch left.

I clear out most of what remains.

My opponent calls the game.

Victory to the Swans!

:: Evaluation ::

I thought this matchup would be a lot harder than it was. I am wondering if my opponent perhaps was a bit over-zealous to go for Thorn. After all, I don't see his great value in this matchup to be honest, in other words: Could he perhaps have afforded to just leave him be?

What makes this playable is probably the option for me to go shooting and still clear out enough so that he doesn't really threaten a whole lot in return. I'm not sure how he's supposed to work around this. Perhaps a less single-piece oriented feat is what he has to play for, I don't know.

I was positively surprised by how much better my play was this game but I suppose not caring about a cloudwall since your opponent has eyeless sight across the table kind of helps. Here's to hoping this is the start of a positive trend!

Battle Report #275: Haley3 vs Nemo2

:: Prologue ::

No rest for the wicked! After a big event I usually enjoy playing some new things. A breath of fresh air, if you will. Following Olov's success at Iron Moot I was inspired to try out Haley3. It's a caster I struggle to understand and I could really use the training. What better way to start off than to shamelessly copy his list?

:: Lists ::

Major Prime Victoria Haley - WJ: +25
- Haley Past
- Haley Future
- Grenadier - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Grenadier - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Thorn - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
- Ironclad - PC: 12
Journeyman Warcaster - PC: 4
- Charger - PC: 9
Ragman - PC: 4
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord - PC: 4
Storm Lances - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Trencher Infantry - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16
General Adept Nemo - WJ: +26
- Centurion - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 17)
- Ironclad - PC: 12 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Stormclad - PC: 18
- Thunderhead - PC: 20
Captain Arlan Strangewayes - PC: 4
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - PC: 3
Gobber Tinker - PC: 2
Sword Knights - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13
Tempest Blazers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 11

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

The scenario was Extraction and my opponent got first turn. I don't think I've ever played vs Nemo2 before and I have played him like once myself or so I think. Anyway. The idea was to have the Trenchers push up centrally with Lances on his weak flank to wrap around and the shooting slightly to the left (between the Lances and the center) with the Ironclad + Thorn anchoring my right flank.

:: Game ::

Nemo moves everything up centrally barring the Blazers who flank left.

Traffic jams are real. God I need to play more H3. Trenchers get Tactical Supremacy and Haley gets Arcane Shield.  

Centurion gets marched up with Polarity Field activated. Stormclad has Polarity Shield, Ironclad has Lightning Shroud and Thunderhead has Failsafe.

I contemplate what I should do for like forever. I end up deciding to feat so that I can dominate out the Centurion which leads to his demise and my getting a CP off of the flag. I also Force Hammer Thunderhead because I am a little too paranoid about his ability to get up and fry half my army. Unfortunately there's no focus for Flux since I want to upkeep Tactical Supremacy (that's what the room for the Squire would've gotten me) and I've pushed my lines too far ahead: Energizer and a simple walk up allows him to engage me. This turn could've been so much better. To top it all off I've spent forever doing all this as well.

I catch a very lucky break as the Ironclad misses Thorn despite no Flux up on its first attack and I back off. The Thunderheads fries a few models and boosts damage onto a Grenadier, taking away most of its boxes. Stormclad charges a Lance and kills 2. Nemo feated.

Ok so it's go time! The idea is to Repudiate the Thunderhead, Tremor it with the Ironclad and kill it + Nemo's Ironclad with shooting and melee attacks. Ragman is MVP man and both heavies go down. I jam the last heavy and ensure Haley is safe.

With being this far down on attrition and having no scenario play nor assassination angle my opponent concedes the game.

Victory to the Swans!

:: Evaluation ::

I've gotta sit down and learn how to use the Trenchers and ensuing cloudwall properly. This was some miserable play and I wasted so much potential, time and space on my feat turn. The Centurion angle is solid and taking it out means my opponent gets stressed out. Honestly a lot of my mistake here is placing Thorn out behind a forest, which is just so stupid. He should probably be centrally so that he can dart wherever I need him. There's no reason for me to push hard on the right flank, simply keeping him out from the cloudwall is plenty.

In the end it's the grind and counter-punch of the list which takes it away for me. I think that even if Thorn dies to his Ironclad I have enough to claim victory in return. It's a new and different mindset for me. Practice, practice, practice :)

Iron Moot: Post-Tournament Analysis

Iron Moot was an absolute blast. One of the reasons I love this hobby so much is so that I can travel around the world (or at least Europe), meet new people, play amazing games and have a great time. Iron Moot had all of the above and more and I can't recommend it enough. In three days I managed to play 14 games and I had a lot of fun with every single one of them.

As I told a friend earlier today I like to think that I spend more time analyzing my games and mistakes than most. I can't help it and it's a large part of why I find this game so interesting. Being able to improve my skills without necessarily playing allows me to spend my focus (no pun intended) whenever I have the time, regardless of where I am. This blog is a big part of that and I frequently revisit my own reports. Some of them I've read over a dozen times. I go back, look for openings, evaluate moves, shake my head over mistakes I make and reminisce about great games.

Don't eat? Whoever wrote this never saw me order burgers...
My last tripe to Sweden completely blew my mind in terms of expectations. The poster above was posted throughout the tournament venue and I must say that such a statement, even though it's not from me, creates pressure and expectations. I try to get away from it, as I've elaborated on previously I respect my opponent and his ability to exploit my mistakes and find amazing plays. I don't care if he's a no-name or a known player, I try and see every situation as it is and find the best plays available. Always one game at a time, never my game to lose. It's a fun concept to have big guys to take down, but I try not to think of it that way whether I am one of them or facing them.

What are my thoughts on what I saw and experienced at Iron Moot? I definitely consider the meta to have changed significantly since Mk. 2 and people are finally catching up and realizing what works and what doesn't. A couple of factions still have a long way to go to realize that they have really powerful builds, but by and large we are seeing some really strong powerhouses out there.

The top dogs in my opinion right now are Khador, Retribution and Circle. Khador simply got buffed across the table, they have a ton of viable choices now spanning a wide range of playstyles and strengths. We also saw multiple Khador players at the podium in various events at Iron Moot, with the dreaded Mad Dogs list making an appearance in both the Iron Gauntlet finals and the Invitationals semi-finals. Retribution was not a big deal at Iron Moot but I believe it came down to a combination of lists at the event and player skill. In my opinion too many Retribution lists that we see now are too focused on skews and end up having too many weaknesses against the other powerhouses. Lastly Circle deserves a mention of its own. Rarely do we see a caster as overarching and meta-bending as Wurmwood is. This caster seriously needs a nerf because he single-handedly brings to the table an advantage against multiple factions which you can't deal with even if you tailor for him. I argued in Mk. 2 that Haley2 was too strong. While she is still an incredibly strong caster, she no longer brings lists which autowin against a number of matchups (with a notable exception or two), unlike said Wurmwood. Wurmwood is a control caster and the primary weakness of control casters is superior ranged presence on the other side of the table. Krueger2 was incredibly strong in Mk. 2 because he largely eliminated this aspect while he had an amazing feat. Haley2 still struggled despite her broken nature in Mk. 2 (Legion and Retribution were her worst matchups), but Wurmwood has an incredibly potent LoS-denial play through Sentry Stones, Cassius (fertilizer) and 10 souls.

I could go on all day about proposed balance changes but only Privateer Press can do anything about it. The rest of us have to adapt as best as we can. I can't speak for all factions but then again I don't really need to either, so let's focus on the Swans.

Haley2 feels really solid into Khador. Most variants are playable and the wide range of lists they bring can quickly turn other situations into a game of list chicken. Haley2 might not always be up, but she at least has game. Even the Mad Dogs proved to be a playable matchup and I think it's downright favourable for me with the tweaks I had in the IGQ finals. Retribution still seems to be skewing too much as I noted about but from my experience with them Haley2 is still fine into most of their builds. Ossyan is a noteworthy exception. If he becomes a thing for real with double strike force we have another headache. Speaking of headaches I think the amount of headaches we have on a matchup level is why Cygnar isn't top dog now. We can't create pairs which has game into all the other factions, let alone powerhouses, certainly not compared to the top 3 above. This bring me to the last top dog: Circle. The more I play Haley2 vs Wurmwood the worse I think this matchup is for us. I am still learning new things and I still think it's playable but I used to be of the opinion that we were slightly up, to now believing that we are unfortunately significantly down (i.e. it's an uphill fight). I'm starting to think that maybe our secondary list is the one which has to try and handle Wurmwood. The problem is accomplishing this without giving up significant coverage of other matchups.

Olov Winroth won the Invitationals at Iron Moot. He faced Tom Guan's Wurmwood and won the game with Haley3 on The Pit. I only caught bits and pieces of the game, but if Haley3 really has game into Wurmwood she is a highly interesting choice and should be looked further into. Haley1 is also interesting here because of how well Arcane Vortex and Storm Lances (which are great with her feat) + Stormwall play into Wurmwood. I know this sounds like all Haley all the time and it sure feels like we're back in Mk. 2 almost. It's too early to tell yet but I know for a fact that neither Sloan nor Caine2 has better game than Haley2 so if Wurmwood is indeed a solid counter to Haley2 we might have to consider the fact that our pairing needs to tech against him.

I've had multiple people ask me if Mad Dog spam will be a thing. Frankly I don't know, but neither do I care too much either. I simply believe that it's playable for us with Haley2, at least with the build I have in mind to play in the time to come. Maybe people will flesh out the money for a 14-15 heavy spam list, maybe not. In any case I don't think it's the worst list for us to face. All we can reasonably ask for is to have game, in my opinion.

To round off this piece I'd like to take a look at some memorable moments from Iron Moot: The top 3 biggest mistakes I made, the top 3 "aha moments" I had and the top 3 plays I am the most proud of.

:: Biggest Mistakes :: 

1. In my first game in the IGQ I played against Skarre2. I felt I had a massive advantage and when my opponent decided -not- to feat once the Kraken was exposed I literally thought I had the game in the bag. I then proceeded to move Lanyssa up for a Hunter's Mark on said Kraken, only to have her counter-charged and killed by Barathrum. Derp. Plan fell apart rather quickly, fortunately I was able to salvage a win. I am happy I found a way out because this game was as clutch as they come, down to the very last point it was just super close. I could however have tied up Barathrum earlier with Lances which would have allowed the Stormwall to go into the Kraken, assuming Lanyssa had hit the Hunter's Mark of course. Report link.

2. Exposing Sloan to a Cassius angle vs Wurmwood. I consider this an uncharacteristic mistake. I am usually good at taking care of crucial angles and positions (it's a habit from having lost Haley2 too many times) but this technical mistake is really, really bad. Nothing to do but to try and focus! Report link.

3. In my very last game at Iron Moot I chose not to deploy my list for a scenario heavy play. That ultimately cost me the biggest shot at taking the game home, reducing my chances of winning to quite the long-shot assassination run. There is no excuse for this as I played the list the day before and I won on Close Quarters vs Rickard's Minions on scenario so I should've gone for this. Report link.

:: Biggest "Aha Moments" ::

1. In my very first game I played Madrak2. Did I feel stupid when I tried to assassinate him and dealt 1 box of damage to him? Yes, yes I did. I had heard a lot about this caster and how hard he is to take down. However a fully loaded Stormwall, fully loaded Ironclad, 3 Lances, Minuteman shooting boosted shots... I thought I had enough. The aha moment came when I realized I should've TK'd away the Stones unit leader as he single-handedly kept Madrak alive. Report link.

2. In the Invitationals I had my second game against Wurmwood I got next to nothing out of Thorn and I kept asking myself why I had such a hard time getting work out of him. I didn't realize until I sat down to write the report that I concluded in a previous game quite a while ago that Thorn needs to flank around from my strong flank. A bit of an aha moment as I keep trying new strategies against Wurmwood and sometimes I do stuff that's so wacky that I effectively "re-learn" forgotten lessons. Report link.

3. For game 3 of the IGQ I met the Protectorate of Menoth. I usually consider this a fairly straight-forward matchup for Haley2, indeed our best matchup (possibly) in Mk. 3. This game was, despite Gustav's best efforts, continuously massively in my favour. He simply never caught a break or found an opening, eventually sending in his last beatstick to take out Thorn and even that failed. Reviewing the report it's surprising how one-sided this matchup really is. I hope Privateer Press does something to fix this because at the moment I really don't see what PoM are supposed to do vs Cygnar. Report link.

Lastly, the plays that I am most proud of and found the most rewarding.

:: Best Plays ::

1. The Sloan vs Wurmwood game opened up by a massive mistake by my opponent. I didn't really know for sure how I could transition this early lead into a win. I decided in the end to go for an extremely unconventional gambit: Put all of the Storm Lances in harm's way so as to taunt him to go all in for them. Granted there may have been other ways for this to play out in my favour but when this all came through and I realized the gambit paid off I was super happy and relieved. It looks seriously stupid but it did exactly what I needed it to do: Provide me with the space and time to move ahead on scenario and eventually win the game. Report link.

2. The Minuteman was anti-Wurmwood tech I brought onboard a while ago because I believed in his ability to shut down Sentries and threaten Cassius, both of which I consider highly valuable in this matchup. In my match against Michael in the Invitationals I got a big opening on a Sentry with him, even setting up a trap if he went for it and feated defensively. A seemingly harmless move. However the trap came together and the Minuteman gambit basically broke the game on its own and gave me the win. If I had played Thorn correctly here the Stormwall would've gotten away unscathed as well (but then again with Thorn in the correct position he might not have gone for the trap in the first place). Report link.

3. Lastly, the play I am the most happy with and proud of throughout the entire event. I did initially fuck up in the initial engagement turn when my Firefly blocked my Ironclad from killing a Mad Dog, but my decision to go for maximum efficiency with the Stormwall and keeping my cool to let the multiple Mad Dogs live really came together. In the IGQ finals, I went in with the Stormwall and my army combined killed like 1 or 2 Mad Dogs. It wasn't for a lack of dice or something, I simply kept hitting new targets with the Stormwall whenever one got low. The thing is that when you are hitting something at dice +4 and you will have to grind for multiple turns, it's a big waste of potential to hit a target with like 5-6 boxes left. It was unnerving to leave so many heavies alive but in the post-feat turn I was able to clear up all of these jacks with secondary elements in my list, leaving the Stormwall to turn its power fully on new, healthy Mad Dogs. It basically enabled my plan from the previous turn to come together and it was crazy how obvious it was that I just completely broke the game and how it actually happened the turn before. Johan had to commit Karchev and even with insane dice and camping multiple focus he would need some luck from out of this world to survive and win, there was just so much power stacked against him. Report link.

Tons of great experiences, lots of learning points and food for thought, a new and improved understanding of the meta and one tournament win richer. I look forward to keep improving my lists, my play and my analytical skills.

tirsdag 23. august 2016

Iron Moot: Invitationals #3 (#274): Haley2 vs Karchev

:: Prologue ::

For the third round of the Invitationals I was paired against Johan and his Khador again. This tournament, as opposed to the two others I had played this weekend, had a requirement to play both lists at least once. However I was in no mood to try out Caine2 against the Mad Dogs of War and despite Johan list-locking himself in an eventual finals by dropping said Mad Dogs, I fully expected him to do so. Besides, I wanted a rematch to show him that Haley2 can handle his list without being tooled. Game on!

This game was streamed live with two commentators. I recommend you watch the video as well as read this report. The YouTube link is here.

:: Lists ::

(Haley 2) Major Victoria Haley [+25]
- Thorn [13]
- Stormwall [39]
- Squire [5]
- Ironclad [12]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
- Minuteman [9]
Captain Arlan Strangewayes [4]
Gobber Tinker [2]
Storm Lances (min) [12]
Karchev the Terrible - WJ: +30
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 2)
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
-    Mad Dog - PC: 7
Gobber Tinker - PC: 2
Gobber Tinker - PC: 2
Battle Mechaniks - Leader & 3 Grunts: 3

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

The scenario was Take and Hold. However this time around the Sunday Syndrome was on me and I forgot every single lesson I learned in the game the day before and made mistakes from deployment and throughout the game. I need to pressure him on scenario here because given the terrain and the side Johan chose, I could've positioned the Stormwall between the obstruction and the forest in front of my flag and physically prevent him from basically ever contesting me. I learned in the IG finals that I need the Ironclad on the other flank of the Stormwall where it's safe, can keep clearing wounded jacks, threaten tremor to include the 'wall's damage output and be in a position to punish Karchev for going for the colossal. 

So I deployed every single model in the wrong place except for the Storm Lances. 

:: Game ::

Stuff runs. Haley charges but I'm careless and she's not just outside of 6" of my flag, she's outside of 8".

Mad dogs run. None run further than 8" though.

I decide to go for the feat + alpha and try to force him to commit unfavourably somehow. I kill a couple or so I think.

The Mad Dogs simply advance up under Shift. No damage is dealt I think but it's kind of irrelevant.

It is at this point I realize how fucked I am. I try and go for a move which involves Time Bombing the Mad Dogs in front of Karchev and the idea is to create a traffic jam which prevents him from setting up properly. I then back the Stormwall out a bit but the counter-charges negates the entire play basically.

Karchev feats, charges the Stormwall, kills it, the Ironclad goes down and Thorn is down to the M system.

It's down to a batshit crazy assassination run. I do have a couple of models available but I have so many boxes I need to damage to make this work. The idea is to have the tinker (!) aim and shoot its pistol, minuteman jump and shoot, Junior boost + boost, Haley TK herself, charge, TK Karchev to deny unyielding, buy + boost etc and finish off with the Lance assaulting. 

On average this is 11 boxes from the minuteman, 3.5 boxes from junior, 14.5 boxes from Haley and 8.5 boxes from the Storm Lance. Karchev camps 1 and the math above asssumes that all attacks hit. It is not that unlikely, I have definitely made more crazy runs, but you know shit has hit the fan when you're banking on Tinker to participate with damage against an ARM19 target! 

Unfortunately for me the dice are not in my favour this time and Karchev walks away with the victory. At the end of the day I was exhausted and delivered a shit game whereas Johan did what he was supposed to do. He definitely deserved this win. Rest assured though, next time I will be prepared and ready to bring my very best game.  

Sadly, a loss to the Swans.

:: Evaluation ::

The commentators were pretty far off in their live matchup analysis from Saturday's games (but they still provide amazing production value to the videos! After all, I can't blame them as they don't play neither Cygnar, Minions or Khador), but their analysis of this match is 100% spot on. I should've deployed the Stormwall on the right flank with the Ironclad flanking it. Thorn + MM centrally and Lances to jam him shut on the left flank. What little I take away from this game is that it is worth noting that I think the list has game into this insane spam even without tweaking. Probably uphill, but not an autoloss in my opinion. 

Unfortunately there's not a whole lot more to say about this game. I am just too tired to think straight, I've had a headache since I woke up and I just want to go home and sleep. I forfeit my last game (where I would've met Khador again with Caine2, albeit not an arm-skew variant like this one) so that I can get home a few hours earlier and thus end up in 5th place. However, my forcing out Karchev here locks Johan to Vlad1 in the finals, where he meets none other than fellow Swan Olov Winroth! Olov had Haley3 available and taught Johan a lesson. As of the time of this writing I have yet to see the Invitationals Finals myself (been busy with these reports!) but I hear the Sunday Syndrome is present there as well. Regardless I recommend you all check it out here.

14 games, 12 wins and 2 losses (3 if you count the game I forfeited). I had an absolutely amazing time and was very happy with what I accomplished. The field was incredibly hard and I had a number of super tough matchups. Take a look for example at the last 6 games I had: Wurmwood, Rask, Karchev, Rask, Wurmwood, Karchev. Playing Haley2 is no joke, it is a taxing experience in every single game. There is little room for mistakes and this last game shows how extremely easily she gets steamrolled if you don't have a rock solid plan which you manage to execute perfectly. 

A very strong showing by the Swans on Iron Moot! A big congratulations to Olov for taking home the Invitationals in this field, no easy feat (no pun intended) for sure. When I've gathered my thoughts a little there will be a post-tournament analysis coming up. 

Iron Moot: Invitationals #2 (#273): Haley2 vs Wurmwood

:: Prologue ::

For my second game I drew Michael Dick from Scotland and his Circle. I was truly very happy with this pairing as I wanted to try out Haley2 against Wurmwood in less of a list-chicken situation. Michael turned out to be a great opponent and I got the pairing I wanted so it was most definitely game time!

:: Lists ::

(Haley 2) Major Victoria Haley [+25]
- Thorn [13]
- Stormwall [39]
- Squire [5]
- Ironclad [12]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
- Minuteman [9]
Captain Arlan Strangewayes [4]
Gobber Tinker [2]
Storm Lances (min) [12]
Wurmwood, Tree of Fate & Cassius the Oathkeeper - WB: +27
-    Wurmwood, Tree of Fate & Cassius the Oathkeeper (Cont.)
-    Warpwolf Stalker - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)
-    Pureblood Warpwolf - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)
-    Gorax Rager - PC: 7
Wrong Eye - Wrong Eye & Snapjaw: 17
-    Snapjaw
War Wolf - PC: 2
War Wolf - PC: 2
War Wolf - PC: 2
Reeves of Orboros - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16
-    Reeve of Orboros Chieftain & Standard - Chieftain & Standard: 4
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 3
Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 3

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

The scenario was Extraction and I went first. The idea was to dominate a part of the table that was fairly open with favourable terrain for me and force the issue on scenario. True, he scores first but I think Haley has the tools to move up and ahead here. I deploy the Storm Lances opposite this flank and the rest behind it.

:: Game ::

With Michael skewing left so hard the Lances would be dead in the water if they tried to advance there so I immediately skewed them to the right instead and had the Ironclad + Thorn on left flank duty.

Michael splits his sentry stones and doesn't cast the "forest spell" with Wurmwood. I find this kind of strange because my biggest problem with Wurmwood is usually being denied LoS and thus unable to perform tricks.

Time to put the WW-tech into play! I could not have asked for a better setup. True, I've fucked up with Thorn, a lesson I learned many games ago is that Thorn needs to run up hard and fast on my strong flank in this matchup but I've forgot about it and he's now uselessly sitting in the middle where I can't really use him in fear of Reeves and tricks. Anyway! On the right flank I can launch the Minute-missile to kill the stone there and I can even get him behind an obstruction so that removing him becomes a really tricky deal. Awesome. Said stone dies, Haley is safely tucked away and my heavy hitters are positioned to counter-punch Wurmwood if he tries to punish my Minuteman. The Stormwall even got to shoot quite a few boxes off of the Pureblood.

Wurmwood keeps his defensive position. The left flag is completely uncontested so he gets it easily. To my surprise he decides to go for the Minuteman and feat. It is dicey whether the jack even dies but he does. Regardless this is a very, very good spot for me. Can you see why?

The trick here is to move up a Lance next to my flag and have the Ironclad throw said Lance on the 'stalker. The Stormwall with TA can then trample his way over there and probably kill the Stalker, possibly also the Pureblood with hot dice since I shot so many boxes off of him last turn. Haley covers them with Shift and catches out just about everything in the Circle army worth catching. I camp a couple if he wants to go all in. Unfortunately Thorn is in a crap position here and I'm worried that me not getting him up and around on the right flank will limit my options despite the solid counter-move I found.

Michael panics a bit here. It's still only 1-1 and he can move to 2-1 easily enough. However he concludes that he has to go all in on the Stormwall and casts Wraithbane on the Pureblood which then tries to one-round the Stormwall. This fails and to add insult to injury Wurmwood's now sitting on 0 fury, 0 souls and no concealment to trigger Prowl.

The Stormwall got heavily mangled by the Pureblood. It's far from dead but it likely won't survive Snapjaw. I figure that assassinating the tree now is my best chance at winning this game, he's even cut himself for a few boxes due to fury mess-ups before. I go for the kill with 3 big gun shots from the 'wall and a boosted bolt arced via Thorn. The massive tree goes down!

Victory to the Swans!

:: Evaluation ::

Michael told me he doesn't have a lot of experience with this matchup and coupled with the Sunday Syndrome this ensures that I get way more openings than I should have I think. If the sentries combine in the center and Wurmwood shifts left with his forest spell edging the forest it becomes a serious skew game where his feat could be a big deal. This also allows him to get up Cassius earlier which in turn allows him to probably threaten the Stormwall with an early Curse of Shadows, which can be game breaking here.

The Minuteman move on the right flank basically shapes the entire game. I think the correct play here is to leave him alone and accept the fact that the sentry is dead. DEF16 is a thing and, as was shown, the positions he had to take up to make this possible was a trap. Michael told me he forgot about Trample though and this is a big deal of this play so an honest mistake there based on not knowing the matchup.

2-0 and I was ready for the semi-finals of the invitational tournament! Another rematch was brewing...