fredag 23. juni 2017

Battle Report #539: Haley2 vs Vlad1

:: Prologue ::

Next up for me in the team gathering was a Khador player looking to practice Vlad1 vs Haley2. I was happy to get this matchup as I need to learn how TimeStorm plays here as well.

:: Lists ::

:: Cygnar ::
Theme: Heavy Metal
4 / 4 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Major Victoria Haley - WJ: +25
- Squire - PC: 0
- Firefly - PC: 8
- Thorn - PC: 13
- Hurricane - PC: 39 (Battlegroup Points Used: 25)
Storm Strider - PC: 18
Journeyman Warcaster - PC: 0
- Firefly - PC: 8
Lieutenant Allison Jakes - PC: 0
- Reliant - PC: 14
Captain Arlan Strangewayes - PC: 0
:: Opponent ::
(Vlad1) Vladimir Tzepesci, The Dark Prince - WJ: +28
- Juggernaut - PC: 12 (Battlegroup Points Used: 12)
- Juggernaut - PC: 12 (Battlegroup Points Used: 12)
- Marauder - PC: 10 (Battlegroup Points Used: 4)
- Marauder - PC: 10
- Marauder - PC: 10
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich - PC: 4
Battle Mechaniks - Leader & 3 Grunts: 3
Winter Guard Rifle Corps - Leader & 5 Grunts: 8
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
Winter Guard Rifle Corps - Leader & 5 Grunts: 8
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
Winter Guard Rifle Corps - Leader & 5 Grunts: 8
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
- Winter Guard Rocketeer - PC: 2
Winter Guard Mortar Crew - Gunner & Grunt: 0
Winter Guard Field Gun Crew - Gunner & 2 Grunts: 0
THEME: Winter Guard Kommand

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

The scenario was The Pit 2 and Khador went first. I skewed to the right flank and the intention was to have the Strider push up and win on that side, slowly wrapping around.

:: Game ::

My opponent skews opposite the Strider, respecting its 23" threat range.

I run stuff into position, taking care to not expose myself unnecessarily to S&P Rockets.

The lines are being formed.

I have an excellent feat position here which covers virtually the entire Khador army. I take out a heavy on the right flank and start pew pewing. Unfortunately I am very careless with the positioning of one of my Fireflies... Vlad responds by killing it. This is a pretty big deal in this matchup as the necessary momentum you need to clear all the infantry dudes relies on every model staying alive.

Luckily for me there were still plays! Haley TKs just about every jack so that Vlad cannot feat and send stuff into the Hurricane. The one on the right is out of control as well and knocked down for good measure, allowing the Storm Strider to charge it and get a really dominant position!

My opponent positions himself for the next turn. Feat does come out, but it doesn't accomplish a lot.

I maange to basically break the game here with the arc node on the Hurricane allowing me to keep jacks away from vital threat ranges.

We try one more turn but although the Strider goes down it doesn't matter, the game is over.

Victory to the Swans!

:: Evaluation ::

A very classic game and I believe this can swing both ways! Vlad's biggest problem here was his inability to threaten the Hurricane on my feat turn I think. Finding out a pattern where a heavy or two can hang back (and thus be out of Haley's feat range yet still threaten the Hurricane) feels like it's crucial.

Losing a Firefly under my own feat was bad. This shouldn't happen. The Strider charging up on the right flank helped compensate for this, it got a really good position and could use its dual attack to fire deep into the Khador lines, clearing out rockets which really needed to die.

As always an interesting matchup. I was glad to see TimeStorm hold its own here!

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