fredag 24. februar 2017

Battle Report #433: Stryker1 vs Amon

:: Prologue ::

Time to put Stryker to the test! If Stryker1 is to replace Haley2 in my pairing, he needs to show that he can handle some pretty serious matchups. I asked a Protectorate playing friend of mine for a couple of games today and he happily obliged. We discussed the factions and lists before the games and dojo'd together a fairly vanilla Amon variant as well as an experimental version. The first game was against the vanilla list. Let's jump right in!

:: Lists ::

[Theme] Heavy Metal
(Stryker 1) Commander Coleman Stryker [+30]
- Charger [9]
- Stormwall [39]
- Stormwall [39]
- Squire [0]
Captain Arlan Strangewayes [0]
Journeyman Warcaster [0]
- Charger [9]
Lieutenant Allison Jakes [0]
- Charger [9]
(Amon 1) Theme: The Creator's Might, High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza [+29]
- Dervish [7]
- Dervish [7]
- Dervish [7]
- Dervish [7]
- Devout [9]
- Indictor [15]
- Crusader [10]
- Crusader [10]
- Crusader [10]
- Crusader [10]
- Hierophant [0]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
The Covenant of Menoth [0]
Vassal of Menoth [0]
Vassal Mechanik [1]
Vassal Mechanik [1]
Wrack [1]
Wrack [1]

:: Pre-Battle Thoughts & Deployment ::

We were playing Entrenched and Amon seized the initiative. I picked the side where my colossals would have the most freedom in terms of movement and off we went!

:: Game ::

Due to choir issues the Indictor didn't receive Passage. It received Fortify and Enliven and ran up. ARM23 is a thing, right?

I decided to see if I could get lucky, loaded up all Chargers and the 'walls, then moved the first colossal within 12" of the Indictor. He was in rough terrain so he could not enliven away (mobility is turn only). Dice were hot and he lost his shield. This allowed the second Stormwall to follow up with some serious damage. Not bad!

This time Passage was the choice and the Protectorate forces spread out. I had a couple of Dervishes on my right causing issues.

I wanted to make a decisive play. The Indictor had set himself up to initiate the piece trade instead of lurking away to be repaired. I think it's a fair call: If I go for him I am committed to feat and there's no secondary damage really. I want to ensure that Amon can't start the attrition game under my feat so the plan is to disrupt and knock down both Crusaders on my right. This all works out and the Indictor dies, however...

The crazy charge ranges allow my opponent to put 2 Dervishes into Stryker following side step. We run the numbers in Odds Machine. Luckily it's in my favour so instead we just play on. I could -and should- have blocked this off by having the Stormwalls closer together.

The Protectorate forces simply consolidate their positions instead.

I realize that having Chargers on my right flank isn't really helping me out all that much. The two Dervishes there are a pain however. I try and go for a play where I slam the both of them out of the zone. In hindsight it's not the best play: I should try and just kill these asap with hammer attacks so I can help out the central grind instead. Furthermore, with the Chargers tied up on my flank for multiple turns Amon can play a lot more aggressively. I do take out some things in the middle with the 'walls, but I sorely miss Snipe on Stryker to land Disruption shots where needed. Note to self: In this particular matchup that is something I definitely should have.

Amon feats and takes down a 'wall.

Scenario is becoming an issue and I just don't have that many pieces left to grind with in the center. I've spent too much time doing too little on the right flank. The game isn't over yet however, time is running dangerously low as the grind is -really- drawing out and I could still clear stuff up. I needed a pod to roll 12+ this time however to disrupt the Crusader near the 'wall. That luckily happens and we have a game still!

Amon tries to put more hurt on the 'wall but it's negligible.

Amon's up to 3CP. I'm out of pods. I have to position the 'wall so that it can contest next turn if need be. I also need to try and kill the Crusader with Fortify who's only taken marginal damage thus far. Unfortunately this fails...

However Amon has a little over a minute to kill the contesting Charger and my objective. He fails to do so and I win on the clock!

Victory to the Swans!

:: Evaluation ::

The initial Indictor play seems really bad, but in reality it sets up for a very nice piece trade for Protectorate. I get my feat off early and I don't score any points. On the right flank I committed to many models which got too little work done. This bogged me down and ensured the central fight was really, really hard mid-game. Discovering that Snipe on Stryker would be awesome is also an important little thing in this matchup.

The grind feels very even, like it can turn both ways. It certainly is tricky! On scenario however I feel like Amon might have the upper hand. Sure, pods are amazing but it's virtually impossible to block him out from contesting and he never runs out of models.

A very interesting test! I was ready for a rematch to learn more about the nature of these two up against each other.

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